Homeschooling in chaos?

homeschooling in chaos

I lovingly chose the name of this blog because we were constantly in a state of somewhat organized chaos. How can we keep homeschooling in chaos?

We are currently completing a kitchen renovation, which has caused our current chaos. My husband has lovingly dedicated every waking moment to this project, and working a full time job too.

What is your current chaos?

Is your homeschooling in chaos a new baby, a scary diagnosis, an autoimmune disease. Or maybe a death in the family, first year homeschooling, a divorce. Or it could be any other life event that disrupts schooling. Unfortunately, these hard life moments will continue to happen while homeschooling. They can further be exacerbated by the fact we are trying to educate our children in the midst of these difficult moments. There is not a couple hours where your children are away at school to take care of these stressful events.

Keep heart mama!

Your children are watching you do hard things, they learn through it. They are learning things that are not taught in a textbook. Our children are watching and seeing how we grieve, handle stress, make big decisions. Some of the most powerful homeschooling moments happen when our children walk these roads with us. They are not alienated from the fact that life can be so very hard, and there is beauty in this friend. Many times I have done testing at the end of the year and the sweet mom has lamented about how she hasn’t done any school that year and is shocked when their child has made a year or more of progress. The children ARE learning, it is just not the way we think learning takes place. To not homeschool in chaos isn’t always possible, but we can make the best of it. 

Let us not grow weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest, if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9