Christmas is exhausting for moms

Christmas is exhausting for moms
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Does anyone else feel this way? Christmas is exhausting for moms.  I am so weary the month of December. Instead of preparing my heart for the advent season, I feel tired, exhausted and overwhelmed. There is more pressure this month than any other to do all the things and do them perfectly. I see my schedule become more and more crowded and my chest starts to feel tight. With a late Thanksgiving this year, I am even more behind than usual. Instead of trying to make all these perfect memories, I need to step back and look at Christmas through the eyes of my children.

What is really important?

My son asked me the other night why we going to church on a Wednesday night and I told him we do this during advent season. He said, “Oh that’s right, Jesus was born this month. That is important.” “Yes, son it is.” Instead of trying the perfect Christmas decorations,I have let the kids do it all this year. You should have heard the giggles and excitement as they decided where all the decorations should go. We have brought one box in a day and the kids have been rushing through their school to get to it. They are not  exhausted! They are loving every minute of it and I need to join them.

Guarding your schedule

We don’t need to do all the things. That is a requirement I have put on myself. We can pick a few good things. There needs to be time for snuggling on the couch and watching Christmas movies, decorating cookies, and drinking hot cocoa. This year I am guarding my schedule more than usual, and trying to leave buffer space in my calendar so we can make memories. I would encourage you to do the same. Adventus means coming in Latin. It is the season of the arrival of Christ and it is a season of preparing our hearts. I need to remember to step back and not fill every moment with what the world says is important, but rather what God says is important. Christmas doesn’t have to so exhausting for moms.