Take a break mama!


Yes, I said it. Take a break! Enjoy the Christmas holiday without worrying what your children are going to learn. As I write this, I am speaking to myself, so just bear with me! So, take a break mama!

It is okay to take a couple weeks off for Christmas and just enjoy your family and make memories!

I am personally using this time to put my poor house back together after homeschooling strong for four months and neglecting the upkeep of my home. This may sound terrible, but I am enjoying it. It feels accomplishing to finish something and I am catching up on my podcasts. Homeschooling doesn’t always seem to have a tidy wrap up.

Make cookies and and snuggle with those babies! They won’t be willing to snuggle forever, use this time wisely. I don’t know how it happened, but I have a fourteen years old now, and weirdly enough snuggling isn’t high on her priority list.

Don’t try to sneak learning activities in, actually take a break. I see you, Pinterest mom, trying to print out cutesy Christmas worksheets. Don’t do it!! For the next three weeks, we are simply going to do an abbreviated morning time. We will start with Bible and then read a Christmas chapter book and a picture book. Please learn from my mistakes! I always tried to school all the way until Christmas and then was frustrated we didn’t do any fun stuff, so I am turning over a new leaf this year.

Lastly, you need a break! I don’t know if you needed to hear that, but I sure did. We need a break. Homeschooling is a full time, exhausting job and we need days off like the rest of the work force. I know it can feel counter intuitive, but breaks are so good for your body and mind. Then everyone can start refreshed and ready to go.

This needs repeating. Take a break mama! It will help you to be a better mama and wife.