
All my favorite homeschool things

After eleven years of homeschooling, I have found some things that have worked for our family and some things that don't. At the beginning we purchased complete curriculum...

Finding your homeschool tribe

This isn't just for your kids, it's for you as well. When you start homeschooling you both need to find your people. When things get rough, and they...

February is the hardest month for homeschooling

Don't give up mama. 9 And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9 ESV I have homeschooled...

Teacher turned homeschooler

This happens a lot more than you think. Ever since I was a very little girl, I wanted to be a teacher. I loved children and I adored learning...

Does grade level in homeschool matter?

Short answer, no. I really struggled with this in the early years. When I first started homeschooling, it was very much ingrained in me that if your child is a...

Florida Homeschooling Forms

Florida Homeschooling Forms Necessary forms for homeschooling in Florida. These forms provide all of the legal information required to homeschool. Notice of intent Form   Home education evaluation form   Termination Form     Homeschool contacts listed...

Homeschool and mental illness

Homeschooling is hard enough, add in mental illness and it could be a recipe for disaster unless you take precautions.

Welcome Thomas Jenkins to the Florida Evals team!!

Thomas Jenkins is a high school history teacher at a private school outside of Atlanta, where he also works as an academic counselor and tutor. He was homeschooled...

Homeschool Portfolio

One option for homeschooling in Florida is a homeschool portfolio review, so I get asked all the time, "What is a portfolio?" This is a great question! This is...

Testing and special needs

Testing can be used as an amazing tool. They can allow us to see if progress has been made and areas we can work on. As a homeschooler,...

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