How to become a homeschool evaluator

how to become a homeschool evaluator

I am frequently asked how to become a homeschool evaluator by certified teachers, who are looking to make some extra money. The first thing I always recommend families look for, if I can’t help with their evaluation, is a mother or father who homeschools themselves. Many teachers contact me, who want to stay home with their children and are interested in evaluating. It  is really difficult to evaluate something you don’t know about yourself. This doesn’t mean there isn’t other opportunities to offer your services to the homeschool community, it just means this isn’t the best way. How can you encourage the weary homeschool mom if you haven’t done it yourself? Now, this is just my opinion, but I feel pretty strongly about it.

Know the law

The most important thing to do first is to become familiar with all legislation in your state. Read through all the laws and statutes and print them out for reference. These are the guidelines you will have to follow and know inside and out to ensure you and the families you serve are in compliance. For instance, in Florida these are the requirements for a portfolio.

1. A log of educational activities that is made contemporaneously with the instruction and that designates by title any reading materials used.

2. Samples of any writings, worksheets, workbooks, or creative materials used or developed by the student.
I as an evaluator, have to look for these things in the portfolio;
The parent shall provide for an annual educational evaluation in which is documented the student’s demonstration of educational progress at a level commensurate with her or his ability. For more on Florida legislation on homeschooling Florida homeschool legislation
There are numerous other options families can use, including testing, to fulfill the law for their state. A homeschool evaluator needs to be familiar with all of the legislation to accurately guide homeschool families in the right direction. To learn more about the portfolio
Advertise your services
Become very familiar with the law, then get the word out! You will be an independent contractor and working for yourself. Find local homeschool groups, tell people at your co-op, church, county homeschool office. You can join facebook groups in your area and advertise there, of course honoring their rules. I have done this for ten years now and the biggest growth I have seen is through word of mouth. If you are helpful, knowledgable and encouraging people will tell their friends and you will get more contacts this way than anything else.
This truly has been a dream job for myself and my family. My reality is that I will always need to work to supplement our family income. This has allowed me to quit other part time jobs and just focus on testing and evaluations. I hope this helped you learn how to become a homeschool evaluator. Seriously, what could more fun than sitting at Panera and having a cup of coffee and chatting with another mom or dad about homeschooling?