School at home vs. homeschooling

school at home vs. homeschooling

Thousands of families across the nation are being forced to school at home during these unprecedented times. This was not something anyone could have mentally prepared for. School at home vs. homeschooling is something I have been pondering a lot lately.  I have cringed many times when hearing people say everyone is a homeschooler now. I suppose technically we all are, but for many this was not a choice families would make and it was thrust upon them. I am also leery because I feel homeschooling is getting a bad name in many households. This is not a true picture of homeschooling.

Firstly, I am sure many children are not thrilled with being at home, not that all homeschoolers are happy to be at home either! They have lost their routine and seeing their teachers and friends. I have heard of many special events being cancelled for school children; proms, graduations, and huge trips. Just as I have been disappointed at my events being cancelled, kids are grieving over what has been lost. Many homeschoolers have lost their co-ops, field trips, playdates as well. It has been hard for everyone, but I keep telling myself my children will be better people for it and appreciate those activities as they come back in the fall.

Secondly, you are not being given the freedom homeschooling affords. Many schools have created virtual formats and are giving assignments to children that you are being expected to possibly teach and have them complete, many of you with multiple children. This is no easy feat! This is not to speak ill of public and private school teachers as they have been given a huge task as well! I teach an eighth grade class for six hours once a week and the first week it took me twice as long to prepare to learn a new system and there is different lesson planning involved with teaching virtually. I can’t imagine how long it takes to prepare for a full week and systems constantly going down because of overload. I also can’t imagine how hard it is for parents, whose children were previously in school, to suddenly become the teacher and parent, many also work outside the home. As homeschoolers, unless using a virtual format, we have the freedom to use whatever curriculum we choose and aren’t answering to a teacher.

Lastly, homeschooling isn’t generally done alone and we are all alone right now. Many times I have to reevaluate our schedule, because we are out of the house so much and aren’t getting enough school done. I have had a few people even ask me if the virus is effecting us since we homeschool. In one word, yes! We have lost all of our outside activities and it has been hard. Not only have many of you been thrusting into homeschooling, but you are doing it without community and that is hard! Many times homeschoolers research and ponder about homeschooling, but you weren’t given that opportunity.

Our world is struggling right now and we need to support one another. It doesn’t have to be school at home vs. homeschooling. Our kids are struggling as well and have lost their normal. Give grace to your neighbor, the person at Wall-Mart, and mostly your family. Many things are uncertain now, but one thing we can control is being kind to each other.

There has been an influx of new homeschoolers during this time, but most families will be very excited when schools open back up and that is okay. We are all doing what we feel is best for our families. Just realize what you are experiencing now is not true homeschooling.  There is a lot of beauty and goodness in homeschooling, but when it is required in this kind of situation, some of that is lost.