All my favorite homeschool things

homeschool supplies and curriculum

After eleven years of homeschooling, I have found some things that have worked for our family and some things that don’t. At the beginning we purchased complete curriculum packages. I found these helpful to get started, but I would find that I loved one or two subjects, but not the rest. So now we piece together our curriculum. These are some of our favorite homeschool things.

Disclaimer: Some of these products are affiliate links and I may receive compensation if you choose to purchase through my link.

We have been doing Classical Conversations for four years now. I have loved the peace of mind and accountability it gives our family.

All About Reading and Spelling

Hands down, this has been the best reading and spelling curriculum. It incorporates visual, auditory and tactile learning styles. The stories are beautiful and the rules make sense.

Barton Spelling and Reading

This program was the best for my struggling readers. I have a couple children who were not natural readers and needed additional help and this program provided it.

Story of the World

We used this program for history and love it! We just read a story a day and discuss it. There are supplemental worksheets you can use, but we found reading and discussion to be the best fit for us.

Apologia Science

I absolutely love this program! They teach science in such a beautiful way. Again there are amazing supplemental workbooks, but we just read it together and discuss. I find if I make it too complicated we don’t get it done.

My favorite homeschool supplies


So, these are a few of my very favorite homeschool things! Please share what resources or supplies have helped most in your homeschool.