All my favorite homeschool things

After eleven years of homeschooling, I have found some things that have worked for our family and some things that don't. At the beginning...

Finding your homeschool tribe

This isn't just for your kids, it's for you as well. When you start homeschooling you both need to find your people. When things...

The journey of choice


“I am pretty sure homeschool moms don’t actually teach their kids.” “Homeschool kids have poor social skills.”  These are just two things that have been thought, or even said, about homeschool.  The irony is that those things were said by me, long before I began the homeschool journey with my son.

Does grade level in homeschool matter?

Short answer, no. I really struggled with this in the early years. When I first started homeschooling, it was very much ingrained in me that if...

Take a break mama!

homeschool mama, it is okay to take a break

Top 10 homeschool regrets

Top 10 homeschool regrets Checking boxes over relationships So many times I let our curriculum set the tone for our homeschool over making relationships with my...

Florida Homeschooling Forms

Florida Homeschooling Forms Necessary forms for homeschooling in Florida. These forms provide all of the legal information required to homeschool. Notice of intent Form   Home education evaluation...

Teacher turned homeschooler

This happens a lot more than you think. Ever since I was a very little girl, I wanted to be a teacher. I loved children...

Christmas is exhausting for moms

Does anyone else feel this way? Christmas is exhausting for moms.  I am so weary the month of December. Instead of preparing my heart...

Starting to homeschool in Florida?

Homeschooling can be very intimidating just starting out. Thirty years ago, there was an issue of not enough homeschool curriculum or resources, now we...

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